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Category: Health & Wellness

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An older adult sitting on the couch and rubbing their neck in discomfort due to a bruise.

Vitamins That Can Help With Bruising

Aging can be extremely rewarding, but can sometimes cause frustrating challenges. Many older adults experience different health issues, like bruising, that make everyday life more frustrating. But some of these issues are avoidable—like by including different vitamins into a diet. Your loved ones deserve to stay independent and healthy, and you can help your loved…
A mature couple practices yoga to strengthen and release their hips.

Hip Exercises for Seniors

We’re all aware of the numerous benefits associated with incorporating routine physical activity into our busy schedules. Fitness helps us maintain and improve our mobility, strength, and overall health. Focusing on hip strength and function is important in maintaining and improving our balance and mobility as we grow older.   Simple and effective hip exercises include…

Inspired Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Assisted living is ideal for those who need assistance with daily activities like cleaning and cooking so they can live an enriched quality of life.

Memory Care

Our memory care philosophy is a compassionate, family-oriented approach to supporting loved ones living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

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